I write because I can't do any of the following...
- Nick Hornby

Monday, February 22, 2010

A little info on JASON PLATT!


Jason has really become a good friend to me throughout this process.  We share a lot of the same interests and are at very similar places in the arcs of our lives.  Here's Jason in a nutshell...  Jason grew up in Iowa until the age of 13 when his family moved to Durham, NC.... he didn't want to go, but discovered who he was there and became the "kid who could draw" in high school... he also discovered theater his Senior year and began acting... in '92 he moved back to the Quad Cities to be close to family... then he moved to Georgia and finished his degree and now he is and illustrator and Graphic Designer with LinguiSystems... he was going to be a psych major but saw the movie "A Bronx Tale" - with Robert DeNiro, and DeNiro had a line that said, "There's nothing in this world sadder than seeing someone with wasted talent" so... he became an art major.  He has a son named Wyatt who he adores!

He is playing DYLAN (the lead) and, although he's about my age = too old, he has a nice, simple, sensitive way on stage that really helps that character be a bit more sympathetic.  Jason has a passionate rocker vocal and, because of his empathy and understanding of the character and the whole show, delivers the ballads with a focus that I feel will draw the audience into him.  

That's pretty much Jason!  Here's some links to his work.  Check this stuff out!


Friday, February 19, 2010

The Rehearsals...

I intended to keep up my report on rehearsals a little better for whoever is reading and whoever cares.  As it is, though, you know... they're all the same really...people learn stuff... people forget stuff...  And the tension of 1 week to go is really getting to people.  This little bit of rehearsal is just flat not enough to mount an original production.  The problem comes to me when corners (like songs and scenes and stuff) are cut due to lack of time or lack of people putting time in.  That hurts my little artsy heart!  Anyway, there have been the normal ups and downs, mood-swings, outbursts... But at the same time, their has been the all-to-rare joy of discovery of how cool something brand new looks being staged or how fantastic some newly written parts sound being sung by some great voices.  There is that reward!  It always makes me happy to give people a new show and watch the discovery process.  It's always too hard to learn in the beginning and then, as things start clicking, people start to realize that it actually works and it actually is fun to create a role.

ANYWAY.. here's the update.  We had a drummer and guitar player that backed out because of other committments.  Now we have a new drummer and guitar player and a sub-drummer and sub-guitarist for 2 of the performances.  It looks like they won't be around until the first of next week and we probably will have only 2 solid run-throughs under our belts before we open.  This isn't the way any of us would have had it, but it's our schedule and we'll make it work!   


Monday, February 15, 2010



The funniest thing is:  I always tell people that this show is semi-autobiographical and it is.  There are some things that happen to the main character, Dylan, that haven't happened to me, etc. etc.  But, assuming there are some elements of truth... Dylan is married to Kennedy and I am married to Clarissa.  So, Kennedy (the name that Clarissa picked for the character) would kind of represent her.  Well, the funniest thing is I am relatively white (quite a bit American Indian, but I don't really get any tribal benefits) and Clarissa is Puerto Rican to the core.  Well Jason, who plays Dylan, is a Spanish mix and we got the whitest of whites (albino?) Ms. Cari Downing to play Kennedy.  I think it's amusing...

So... Cari Downing... she played Kennedy in the read through back in October '09.  She has a nice singing voice and really had a great, heartfelt read, so I was happy when I heard we were getting her back for that role.  Anyway, I'm not going to give a big bio or anything, just real brief... Cari majored in Musical Theater, lived out in California for a while, moved back to Iowa, just went to Tennessee and auditioned for a bunch of theatres across the nation, got a bunch of call backs and now has to decide what move she's going to make.  She loves Chekhov and Jane Martin comedies, hates Tennessee Williams (although she played Stella in "A street car named desire")... her first role was Cosette in "Les Miserables", she has also been  in "Dracula", "I love you, you're perfect now change", "Threepenny Opera" and "The turn of the screw", but she credits her role as "NIGHT" (one of 3 elements) in "Brave Irene" as the turning point in her career and life... (that last part is just not true)... Cari was last seen at the Hilltop as Janet in "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and one of her dream-roles would be in "The Last 5 Years"...
That's about all I know about Cari!

She was just asked by a director at an audition, "Is this who you really are?  This super cute, perky girl?"  To which she replied, "Yeah. Pretty much. I'm the girl next door." 

My disappearing pictures???

I love adding pictures to my site because it spices it all up, but for some reason they are beginning to disappear.  Where have they gone?  I have put a nice meaningful picture on this post but I don't know...  It probably will also be taken from us and disappear into the vast wasteland of bloggercity...  WHY??? WHY???

Monday, February 8, 2010


THAT'S RIGHT...HERE IT IS! I'm gonna do this... this is the Synopsis as it is in the current draft, the one that will be seen at Harrison Hilltop Theatre. Then... look out!... cause I'm gonna put the original synopsis out there in a bit. I personally think this is a much cleaner, more time- friendly version and also leaves the ending open to interpretation. I do confess though that I miss a lot of the little crap (inside jokes and queer, quirky characters) that went on in the 1st draft. Who cares, really? By about Draft 75 we'll get it right, and we came to the conclusion that some of the songs/characters/bits, etc. will probably work their way back in some capacity if they really matter. So, I'm happy with it! Here it is...

A group of Drama/Art students, the MISFITS, are preparing to graduate from a small school in Indiana. (OPENING:BE THE TRUTH) They are invited to a party at Dylan and TJ's (DYLAN'S TOAST). At the party, we are introduced to DYLAN's friends, PEDDY and EMILY, his childhood friends and former band mates, TJ, his roommate, SUGAR, the bombshell that lives below them and PROFESSOR NEWMAN, the drama teacher that everyone knows and loves. DYLAN is also introduced to a high school girl, KENNEDY, who is a friend of EMILYs. (HOT MESS) At the party, DYLAN announces that they are reforming their band. (BABY BIRD) Later on the porch, TJ expresses his concern for DYLAN's lack of motivation (ON THE LINE), while the MISFITS reaffirm their mutual madness. (MISFITS LIKE US) After graduation, DYLAN takes KENNEDY on their first date and they fall in love. (WHITE) Later that night, the group hangs out at The Basket case, a karaoke bar. (HINT OF RESISTANCE) While SUGAR sings, DYLAN reacquaints with a high school friend who now calls himself SAINT SHALLOW. He takes DYLAN outside for a "smoke". (MISS ME LIKE SUMMER) Meanwhile, after EMILY plays PEDDY a love song she's written "about no one", he complains to about their M.I.A. friend, DYLAN. (BEG THE WIND) During PEDDY's rant, the phone rings and DYLAN informs him of his engagement to KENNEDY. (SPREAD THE LOVE) Time passes through an engagement party and a wedding (FIELDS) and the newlyweds begin to set up house. (SUNDAY TO SUNDAY) In Alabama, TJ, who retreated there when DYLAN refused to go to New York City with him, revels in his lack of opportunity, and prays for a clear direction. (SPEAK) Back in Indiana, DYLAN finds his life less than the grandiose thing he thinks it should be, while KENNEDY reminds him of their dream together. (TIRED AMERICAN DREAM) Later, DYLAN goes to visit PROFESSOR NEWMAN who gives him advice on life and vices. (LEGACY) The next night "the band" gets back together to start working on some tunes when the phone interrupts. (A DRUNKEN MIND SPEAKS A SOBER HEART) TJ informs DYLAN that PROFESSOR NEWMAN has committed suicide, and DYLAN and friends mourn the loss. (WHITE reprise)

The MISFITS all come together to have a party in honor of their lost friend. (HOT MESS reprise). EMILY looks on as SUGAR and PEDDY disappear together. (IF SHE'S THE STRIKE OF LIGHTNING) DYLAN steps outside of The Basket Case for a smoke and once again runs into SAINT SHALLOW who gives him something to stop his shaking and invites him over to hear his band. Meanwhile, SUGAR confesses to KENNEDY that she slept with PEDDY, something she knows will bother EMILY. (IT'S GONNA BE BAD) TJ, who has taken the plunge and moved to NYC and DYLAN, still in Indiana, lament on their struggles to keep their dreams alive. (TAKING TOO LONG) Meanwhile, PEDDY attempts to talk to EMILY but there is too much tension. (YOU HAVE TO CLOSE THAT DOOR). Later, as DYLAN prepares to go to Saint Shallow's house, KENNEDY confronts him about a bag of dope he has dropped. They argue and he leaves. (YOU DON'T HEAR ME) DYLAN then goes to check out Saint Shallow's band and is confronted with music and the chemicals that go along with it. (THE ECHO ROOM) When he returns home, KENNEDY tells DYLAN that PROFESSOR NEWMAN made him his beneficiary. They again fight and KENNEDY leaves. (1 HEART 2 BREAK) PEDDY calls DYLAN and the two angry friends go out. (BLACK) PEDDY leaves DYLAN at a bar and returns to find EMILY packing. He then realizes how much they love each other and they make up. (EMILY'S WINDOW) The next day, KENNEDY tells the others that DYLAN did not return home the night before. To blow off steam, she takes the others on a shopping trip with some of Newman's money. (JUST LIKE THAT GIRL) During the excitement, her phone rings and she learns DYLAN has overdosed. (THE ECHO ROOM reprise) The MISFITS all gather at the hospital and DYLAN vows to KENNEDY to live his life clean. (FIELDS reprise) Part of the Professor's will included a small home just outside of NYC and DYLAN and KENNEDY set up their new home, not sure of what the future will be. (FINALE: IMMIGRANT RELIGION/BE THE TRUTH)

From the theatre in my brain to the stage...

Rehearsals 4 & 5 - Well, rehearsal 4 was great! I wasn't there. I'm told it went fine so I'll take it. Sunday morning (Feb 7th) I made the drive (which I decided I like better at night). Anyway, it was mainly a staging rehearsal, with working the tunes after the blocking and fitting them into where they belong. PEDDY and EMILY worked a couple of their songs, blocking-wise. They looked very cool, kind of like they did in my mind, although in my mind (as probably in a lot of writers) all is a lot more proscenium. They fought awkwardly through "You have to close that door" and he pleaded with her nicely during "Emily's Window". I am very anxious to hear Sara unload on "If she's the strike of lightning" and "Beg the wind" (wow! element songs?) . Everybody says, and I've heard just enough to tell, that she can wail. It's gonna be bad! (Oh... speaking of... another re-write... I rewrote the lyrics to "It's gonna be bad" in the truck on the drive home. With the script in draft 6 or whatever it just didn't make sense.) But honestly, things are moving right along. Tristan blocks quick, they are savvy enough to get it the 1st time and we will have the rest of our rehearsals to clean it all up. I fight the anxious a lot, but TAD is in capable, competent hands.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Theater People...Freaks...Oddballs...Geeks...MISFITS!

Next Rehearsal is Saturday, Feb. 6th. It's a staging one and I am not making the hour and half drive. They can just surprise me. But I'll be there on Sunday so I'll report to you!

Here's a lovely headshot of Tristan Tapscott, the other partner in the Harrison Hilltop, a good friend and the director of TAD. He also is responsible for much of the re-writing of TAD, making it into a more palatable piece for the audience. Anyway, wish we had a bit longer rehearsal process just so I could spend a bit more leisurely time with Tristan. He's a great guy and he appears to be quite brilliant.

Now, to a song...

(I wrote this song a while before TAD was even rolling around in my brain, and I remember after I wrote it I thought "what am I gonna do with this weird thing?" Well, it fit perfectly. DYLAN (the main character if you haven't figured that out yet) has a bunch of strange friends. We call them The Misfits in our little show. Here's a little anthem they chant just to remind themselves that they are not alone.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday... basically SUNDAY to SUNDAY


(Here's a little ditty that was sung by SCHAKA in the original script. It is sung as DYLAN and KENNEDY start building their young married life together. I wanted it to be action taking place as the song was being sung... kind of like a music video. In the current draft, DYLAN and KENNEDY sing it. I wasn't sure about that at first, but it really works, with a little different feel. It's real nice. Here it is...)


DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH chick-a-chick-a BANG BANG tick-a-tick-tock WICK-EE-WICK-EE chang-chang!

I'm not gonna drag this out because I don't want to bore anyone, but here is the report on Rehearsals 2 & 3. The first minute...

Seriously... Monday night was a bit frustrating. The handwritten music is hard to read and my songs are, as a rule, incredibly wordy and sometimes speedy. So, for people to try to site-read this crap... well, forget it! They sing it like...

"She's got her

hmmmphf on the line on

hmm hooo on the hmmmphf

where you're smmmmm truuuuu

golden door hmmmm

lure yummmmmmm

mmmmm die"

Something like that. So it was frustrating. Not really their fault but it seemed like nobody knew anything? ANYWAY, the night for me truly was saved when Jason (who plays Dylan) stayed after and sang "Sunday to Sunday" and then did a truly beautiful reprise of "Spread the Love". I told him he made everything better. He has this (sweet when need be) rock voice with a little splash of rasp and some piss and vinegar! Wonderful!

Tuesday night was much better for me. I could tell people, in the midst of their own busy lives, had taken the time to look over their music and it helped! Chris (Peddy) and Jason (Dylan) have about 4 songs (YES! 4 MALE DUETS!) and they really rock it out together. Looking forward to seeing them roaming around the stage belting these tunes! Anyway, just a generally better vibe in the room last night.

P.S. Tristan handed out a schedule and said it's "the scariest thing he's ever seen". There are 13 rehearsals remaining. 13! NOSE TO THE GRINDSTONE!!!
P.S.S. It's Chris Walljasper! In the picture! It's Chris Walljasper! He's playing Peddy and he also happens to be one of the partners in the Harrison Hilltop Theatre. Very fun to be around. Think maybe the 2 of us would be friends if we didn't already each have so many...

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Traveling Companion...

The drive from Peoria to the Quad Cities is about an hour and a half. I'm not good with math, but that would equal about 3 hours round trip, right? Anyway, I told my good friend Jon that I would mention him. I keep myself entertained listening to my old radio showAdd Image. I've been collecting them for years...ever since I was about 10 and we stopped into a gas station on a trip and I saw "The Shadow". It looked scary and fun so I got it and got hooked. Anyway, collecting was expensive until I found Jon's website. He sells MP3s of shows so you can get about 100 1/2 hour show on a disc for $5. (We used to get 2 shows on a tape for $5 - so it's a great deal!) Anyway, you can think I'm dorky or whatever, but it is what has gotten me through alot of long drives and will power me through the miles for TAD! Check these shows out! My kids love them too and I told them, "it was from before there was TV!" Can you imagine? http://www.otrcat.com/

ENTITLED: "The 1st Rehearsal" or "How much time do we have?"

First off, I didn't really have a picture to use yet so I settled on this one. (We will say it is my main character, Dylan, as a youngster, growing up in Indiana! This is why he's so messed up...) And sometimes don't we all feel a bit like this?

So, the 1st rehearsal! I don't know if it was good or bad or what. All I really know is that we don't have a lot of time to put this show together. Tristan said that they've never put a show together this quickly and I said how wonderful that it is an original piece that no one knows. But you know, I watched this episode of "Property Whores" or something like that where people "flip" houses and they messed around the whole freaking show, worrying about time, and then when they had 3 days before their open house and they all busted their butts and guess what?... they were ready! Isn't that the way it always goes? And actually, the good new is that all but one cast member were in the read-through so... that helps. We covered a good amount of the group #'s like: "Hot Mess", "White", "Fields" and "Misfits like us". There is a slower section of the song "White" and Sarah, the music director, said she wanted to hit that beautiful harmony section in the middle, and you know... I had forgotten I even wrote that harmony. But it was really pretty when we finally got it. The cast sings a little counter melody under Dylan and Kennedy as they profess their love... and the lyrics the cast sings are actually from Song of Solomon in the Bible. How 'bout that? (It doesn't get into too much of the dirty stuff Solomon talks about though.)

Anyway... really not much to tell. It was pretty much the typical music rehearsal. We did all have a good laugh when Chris handed out contracts and they forgot to delete the "?" from "Who's afraid of Virginia Wolfe?" (you know, it's kind of a form letter) so the letter read something like, "welcome to Tired American Dream?" Like we don't REALLY know if it is or isn't. Well, we do have only about 4 rehearsals with the entire cast before we open "Tired American Dream?"